What is stringiness and how is it measured?


In the food sector, stringiness is defined as the extension of the filament that some foods form when they are cut or taken from the container. Typical examples are stringy cheese, pizza slice, honey and some sauces.

But what does stringiness mean in cosmetic?

In the cosmetic sector, stringiness (also called tailing or legging) can be a desired feature when you want to formulate a product with strong adhesive properties or when you want to improve the pick-up, while In other cases, a “too stringy” product could be perceived as too sticky and unpleasant, triggering negative emotions in the consumer.

For these reasons it is necessary that the formulator appropriately balances the texture properties to satisfy the sensory expectations of the consumer and formulate a successful product.

Through texture analysis, our laboratories can measure the application properties of the product, including stringiness and adhesiveness and thus help the formulator to obtain the desired cosmetic product.

For further information, please contact us at +39 334 6812046 or send an email to info@unired.it

Cosmetic Insights
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